Call for Writers

The past couple of weeks have been a bit quiet and this being one of the few blogs covering transit issues in the Boston area, I'd like to keep it more active than I have as of late. I admire Benjamin Kabak of the Second Avenue Sagas blog for his ability to single-handedly keep SAS active with at least one or two posts a day - I should also note that the MTA in New York City, as well as the state of New York itself, suffers from innumerable transit-related issues that generate news stories daily. (Alas, Mr. Kabak is also a law student at NYU and has been blogging for years over at SAS, so he has no doubt mastered the art of news blogging.) I would like to have Transit on the Line as active as SAS, but the reality is that my full-time job leaves me little time to compose daily or even bi-weekly posts. With that, I'd like to open up TotL to any and all writers who would like to contribute to this blog, as well as contribute to responses on Twitter through TransitMatters. All those interested should contact me via email at marcDOTebuna*AT*gmailDOTcom.

It's important that Bostonians find a blog willing to cover transit and general transportation issues  in the Greater Boston Area with the frequency and depth it deserves because transit and the economic vitality of Boston is on the line.


Medford Mayor Weighs in on Green Line Extension


One Story, Two Lessons