'Next Bus Please' - Courtesy in Motion

I happened to be thumbing through my RSS feeds and stumbled upon the lede image in a post about an upcoming BRT project for Brooklyn. It struck me that in so few times that I've ever taken the bus in New York, these simple words on the head sign did so much to prevent the frustration when a bus blows past your stop without hesitation.

Nowadays with bus tracking enabled by NextBus.com, it's easy for most people to see when buses are bunching up, but it's not so easy to know when a bus is being flagged by dispatch to go express.

Kurt Raschke over at his blog does a great job exploring where this can go and where some agencies on the Eastern Seaboard are already taking it. With Davey pushing low-cost, high-impact changes to affect the customer experience, this should be among the top of his list to discuss with incoming MBTA GM Beverly Scott.