Another pedestrian killed on deadly Allston speedway
On Wednesday night a 26-year-old man was killed trying to cross this highway entrance on Cambridge St in Allston.
Walking to Cambridge requires crossing multiple highway ramps and contending with speeding traffic that will never stop for you. This has been a danger zone for decades, yet city could easily install a raised crosswalk with a signal or stop sign and other traffic calming measures such as narrowing the on-ramp. Last month the city presented conceptual long-term designs which were all opposed by community members as dangerous or impractical for bikes and pedestrians.
Just a little bit up the block there's this spot, which might just be the worst bus stop in Boston:
Despite the obvious danger here, the Boston Globe still fell into the usual trap of blaming the victim, who seems to be getting away with recklessness:
The driver, a 45-year-old man, remained at the scene and spoke to investigators. He did not show signs of impairment, Conley’s office said. No charges have been brought against the driver.
No charges?!?! You shouldn't have to be drunk of leave a crime scene to be charged with said crime. If you hit and kill someone, whether intentionally or by virtue of being inattentive, that's vehicular homicide and it's a crime.