Media Statement: Green Line Derailment

BOSTON, October 17, 2024— TransitMatters is deeply disappointed to learn that the recent Green Line derailment resulted from excessive speed and operational negligence. This incident underscores the need for the MBTA to reinforce strict adherence to safety protocols across all levels of its operations.

We strongly urge the MBTA to commit to a thorough review of its training and operational oversight to ensure that all operators follow established safety rules. The safety of riders and employees alike must remain a top priority, and these incidents must be prevented at all costs.

While operator negligence appears to have been a key factor in this derailment, we hope that the MBTA is also examining the low-speed design of the switch where this event occurred. A design review could lead to adjustments that accommodate higher operating speeds, improving efficiency on the line and reducing the risk of future incidents.

Additionally, this derailment highlights the urgent need for the long-overdue overhaul of the Green Line’s signal system. An upgraded system would likely have mitigated the overspeed that led to this derailment and could prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Signal modernization must remain a top priority for the T, which requires sustained financial and operational commitment.

Lastly, we caution the MBTA against implementing performative or reactionary "safety measures" that would unnecessarily disrupt service on the Green Line without addressing core issues. Genuine improvements come from long-term, sustainable solutions, not quick fixes.

The MBTA’s funding model is fundamentally flawed. Without a shift toward long-term, stable financing, the T will continue to face challenges in completing the safety upgrades that are so clearly needed. We call on our leaders to provide the resources necessary to keep our transit system safe, reliable, and efficient for all riders.

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Photo Credit: James Wang