Tim Lawrence

Board President

Rides: Orange Line | 104 & 109 Bus

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I’m a Metro Boston native who has been riding and always fascinated by the T/public transit since I was old enough to remember. With background in architecture & urban design, I approach transportation policy advocacy from a similar perspective of building interpersonal relationships and utilizing various visual communication strategies. On top of my AEC industry day job in the private sector, I’m a freelance graphic designer and have managed TransitMatters’ graphic design & communications outreach efforts since 2017. Distilling our often highly-technical information into visually pleasing, easily comprehensible graphics, documents and web pages has become a true passion of mine. As Communications Director, I also manage our outgoing communications strategy to the public and media.

While I’ve touched every one of our initiatives, I have been particularly passionate about NightBus as well as Regional Rail, having designed & coordinated a number of communications for both, including our groundbreaking Winter 2018 Regional Rail Report. As TransitMatters begins its next chapter, I have also been involved with coordinating our overall organization strategy as VP of Operations and assist our COO/DD in his efforts.